2020 Active Electro-Optical Systems

MSS is intended to bring the DoD technical and user community together to review and discuss advances in Active E-O Systems at the SECRET classified level. Attendees include key government and industry decision makers, program managers, and leading technical experts. This Symposium offers an overview of major active programs, a window on significant trends, and the opportunity to present new technology to the community. The MSS Active E-O Systems Symposium provides the premier classified forum for the military application of active electro-optical (E-O) and laser systems. Our annual meeting features presentations on requirements and solutions based on efforts carried out by government and industrial organizations. Although our symposium accepts unclassified papers, it is, in addition, the only forum for the presentation of classified material and/or materials not accepted for public release.

Login for session descriptions.

Coherent Ladar

Processing and Exploitation

Advanced Systems and Technologies

Targeting and Fire Control Systems

Military & Space Laser Communications

Mapping and Data Processing

Underwater Sensing


Surveillance & Reconnaissance

Lidar for Autonomous Vehicles

Active Sensing for DE Systems

