2025 MSS Fellows Nomination Procedures
Steps to Becoming an MSS Fellow
Nominating a colleague for induction as an MSS Fellow is an important step in raising the visibility of work that furthers the technical knowledge and expertise of our community. Selection criteria include:
- Significant individual contributions as an engineer-scientist or technical leader to the military sensing community
- Evidence of technical accomplishment, i.e. publications, internal company reports, patents, and peer recognition
- Input from the MSS Fellows Committee, MSS Executive Committee, and the Military Sensing Community
Candidates may come from any military sensing field and may be from academia, government, or industry. Whatever their careers, candidates must have made an outstanding contribution to the military sensing profession. This year, the annual Fellow induction process begins in January, with nominations due in May.
- A candidate is nominated by a colleague in the MSS community or by an MSS specialty group. Fellows nominations must be submitted online at www.MSSconferences.org.
- The nominator fills out the nomination form with details of the candidate’s qualifications and outstanding technical achievements
- The nominator obtains and submits the candidate’s resume
- Five supporters from among the MSS Specialty Group as a whole, MSS Fellows, MSS Executive Committee members, or members of the MSS Program Committees are needed to endorse the nomination and are identified during the nomination process. The nominator can also serve as a supporter. The nominator should contact each supporter identified above to request a technical reference/letter of recommendation to be submitted directly to the MSS Fellows POC or back to the nominator to upload with the completed packet.
- Should part of the nomination packet require classification at the collateral level or higher, a classified addendum can be submitted on SIPR or JWICS. Please contact MSS at MSS@anavationllc.com to make special arrangements for submission.
- PLEASE NOTE: Only CLASSIFIED addendums (expansive information on candidate’s achievements, letters of reference, etc.) can be included. A full UNCLASSIFIED nomination must be submitted on the website.
Blunt, Shannon
Mason, Whitney
Newman, Andrew
Noble, John
Piquette, Eric
Romero, Hugo
Simi, Christopher
Steinberg, Alan
Bennett, John
Coleman, Adam
Coutts, Scott
D'Souza, Arvind
Elkins, Michael
Gat, Nahum
Hersey, Ryan
Owen, Mark
Scribner, Dean
Blalock, Collier
Karch, Barry
LeMaster, Daniel
Llinas, James
Prather, Dennis
Robey, Frank
Titi, Gerard
Waltz, Edward
White, Franklin
Blasch, Erik
Dinndorf, Kenneth
Kaplan, Lance
Lomheim, Terrence
Luettgen, Mark
Schumm, Bryce
Showman, Gregory
Chong, Chee-Yee
Cropper, A.D.
Deroba, Joseph
Gonzalez, Leonel
Krapels, Keith
Marron, Joseph
Moore, Richard
Paranto, Joseph
Samocha, Joseph
Stocker, Alan
Wilson, D. Keith
Beaven, Scott
Doerry, Armin
Haeri, Mitchell
Hull, David
Ratledge, Rodney
Waterman, James
Barnard, Ken
Cordray, Merritt
Heinrichs, Richard
Karr, Thomas
Kiessling, James
Pauli, Myron
Rhiger, David
Turner, Monte
Benson, David
Devitt, John
Dierking, Matthew
Hoffman, Craig
Nettleton, John
Sarcione, Michael
Schaum, Alan
Sonstroem, Jay
Goldberg, Lew
Henderson, Sammy
Melvin, William
Mokole, Eric
Moyer, Lee
Thomas, Dan
Watson, Edward
Wood, Sam
Brune, Neal
Eismann, Michael
Govoni, Mark
Halmos, Maurice
Hubbs, John
Kruer, Melvin
Macklin, Timothy
Marino, Richard
Moulton, Peter
Radford, William
Trussell, Ward
Huffaker, Robert
Perconti, Philip
Richmond, Richard
Winter, Edwin
Batchelor, Ann
Boreman, Glenn
Burnham, Ralph
Davis, Mark
Greiner, Mark
Taylor, James
Bass, Henry
Beck, Jeffery
Bovino, Lawrence
Driggers, Ronald
Edelstein, Alan
Eicke, John
Sandford, Brian
Schaefer, Jerome
Schmieder, David
Shumaker, David
Srour, Nino
Tidrow, Meimei
Cederquist, John
Keicher, William
McManamon, Paul
Priest, Richard
Reynolds, William
Walker, Grayson
Barone, Frank
Douda, Bernard
Frederick, William
Heberley, Jeffery
Irwin, Raymond
Kinch, Michael
Labaugh, Kenneth
Parrish, William
Reago, Don
Vogel, George
Wimmers, James
Amble, Henry
Barton, David
Brookner, Eli
Cantrell, Ben
Finn, Harold
Fritsch, Ralph
Hughes, Paul
Loomis III, Jester
Martinsek, Emil
Nessmith, Jr., Josh
Novak, Leslie
Reedy, Edward
Sichina, Jeffrey
Smith, John
Trebits, Robert
Trunk, Gerard
Urkowitz, Harry
Walker, Bruce
Walker, Joel
Bair, Max
Biberman, Lucien
Brandewie, Richard
Buser, Rudolf
Campana, Stephen
Freed, Charles
Gschwendtner, Alfred
Hintz, Robert
Hopper, George
Jamieson, John
Jelalian, Albert
Kingston, Robert
Laakman, Peter
Legault, Richard
Lockwood, Arthur
Milton, A. Fenner
Nichols, Larry
Nichols, Roy
Ogrodnik, Robert
Olin, Irwin
Pines, Michael
Pollard, John
Pruett, George
Roberts, C. Grady
Rosell, Frederick
Selby, John
Sendall, Robert
Shepherd, Freeman
Simmons, Frederick
Spears, David
Stair, Alva
Stapelbroek, Maryn
Sullivan, Leo
Tarbell, Allan
Tennant, William
Walker, Russell
Wolfhard, Hans
* Deceased