2024 Battlespace Acoustic, Seismic, Magnetic, and Electric-Field Sensing and Signatures Committee (BAMS)
Previously the ARL sponsored Acoustics Meeting, the BAMS specialty group joined IRIS in 1997 and began its evolution into the Military Sensing Symposium. The BAMS specialty group provides a mixed forum for unclassified distribution C and a SECRET level classified material focused on exploitation of mechanical wave (acoustic and seismic) and field strength (electric, magnetic, and gravitational) sensors to support military and homeland security applications. Beginning with theory, modeling and simulation, the group treats source and background phenomenology, propagation, noise mechanisms, detection, processing and interpretation. Signal and Information processing areas covered include beamforming, target detection and tracking algorithms, noise reduction, target identification, and fusion of inputs from multiple sensors and sensor/data sources. In the sensors area the group treats evolving requirements, improved sensor concepts and designs, performance, test and evaluation, and operational application. A key area of interest is sensor fusion of disparate sensing types at the node level. Specific applications covered include unattended ground sensors, persistent surveillance systems, sensors for robots, weapon mounted, and implanted acoustic sensors; littoral sensors; sensors on vehicles, airplanes, ships, UAVs and UGVs; acoustic, magnetic, hybrid and other mine (surface, buried and marine) detection sensors; tunnel detection sensors; vehicle signature identification; etc.
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Signal and Information Processing

Systems and Sensors

Unmanned Systems / Counter-Unmanned Systems (UxS/C-UxS) Sensing


Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT)

Emerging Technologies

AI/ML for Multi-Domain Operations