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2025 MSS Parallel (BSD, Materials & Detectors, and Passive Sensors) Conference
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Important Dates: 01/24/2025 05:00 PM ET - Registrations Due
09/29/2024 11:59 PM ET - Abstracts Due
01/10/2025 05:00 PM ET - Presentation/Publication/DA/Poster Due Date
Dates: Monday, February 10, 2025 - Friday, February 14, 2025
Location: Orlando, FL
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The 2025 MSS Parallel Conference is a parallel meeting of the MSS Specialty Group on Battlefield Survivability and Discrimination, the MSS Specialty Group on Detectors, the MSS Specialty Group on Materials, and the MSS Specialty Group on Passive Sensors.

MSS Specialty Group on Battlefield Survivability and Discrimination

The Battlefield Survivability and Discrimination Specialty Group evolved from the MSS Specialty Group on Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception (CC&D) and focuses heavily on the survivability of both sea and battlefield platforms. It covers CC&D, Counter CC&D, Countermine, and IED Defeat topics. The meeting treats counter CC&D sensors including a heavy emphasis on Hyperspectral sensors. In addition, the human factor aspects of both detecting enemy assets and hiding US assets from the enemy are considered in depth.

MSS Specialty Group on Detectors
The MSS Specialty Group on Detectors is a forum for the presentation, discussion, and dissemination of information on detector technology. It covers the electromagnetic spectrum from x-rays through terahertz. The group addresses all aspects of detector technology including detection phenomena, the physics of ideal and real detectors, advanced material growth technology, and the chemistry of detector fabrication processes. This meeting covers the reliability and survivability of detectors including nuclear hardness. Also of interest are the electronics and signal processing associated with focal plane image formation such as readout circuit technology, on-focal-plane signal processing, and non-uniformity correction. Detector technologies of interest include discrete detectors, scanning and staring focal plane arrays, photon and thermal detectors, coherent and incoherent detectors, and wavelength converters.

MSS Specialty Group on Materials
The MSS Specialty Group on Materials provides a forum for the presentation, discussion, and dissemination of information within the defense community on the exploration, development, and utilization of materials to be used in military optical and electro-optical devices and systems operating in the optical (UV to mm wave) spectrum. Subjects include materials for detectors and substrates, optical windows and other optical elements, filters, optical techniques such as diffractive and binary optics and rugates, meta-materials, and other materials issues that enable the development of optical and electro-optical sensors, etc.

MSS Specialty Group on Passive Sensors
The MSS Specialty Group on Passive Sensors provides a forum for CLASSIFIED and controlled presentations, discussions, and dissemination of information regarding developments in passive sensor systems operating in the optical (ultraviolet through millimeter wave) spectrum. The group focuses on systems that exploit natural or man-made emanations from the target and scene. The group addresses both tactical and strategic systems and considers all elements that make up a system from the entrance aperture through to the decision process, including any image processing that may be applied. The interest of Passive Sensors covers ground-, vehicle-, air-, ship-, and space-based sensors. Sensor functions include ISR, precision guidance, remote sensing, including seekers for surface-2-surface, surface-2-air, air-2-surface, air-2-air application; sensors that support target detection, recognition, and identification; sensors for situational awareness; sensors that sense the environment to improve understanding of the phenomenology and radiative transfer; sensors
for foliage penetration and for terrain analysis; sensors for A2/AD environment; single-mode, multi-mode, multi-, and hyper-spectral; human-system interaction; sensors for remote and for autonomous operations; algorithms for meeting mission objectives, background clutter mitigation, including AI/ML/DL; algorithms and hardware based techniques to improve image quality such as super resolution, atmospheric compensation, turbulence mitigation; day/night operations. Technology can be at developmental, experimental, or operational stage.

2025 Battlefield Survivability and Discrimination

2025 Detectors and Materials

2025 Passive Sensors


Attendees must register and pay by the extended deadline of 24 January 2025. You will receive an email confirmation once your registration is processed. Registration is a multi-step process and includes online registration and payment, and submission of clearance.

Registration fees include a classified notebook, morning and coffee break refreshments, three lunches, and electronic copies of the unclassified and classified final proceedings (MSS primarily distributes proceedings electronically but can provide a disk if requested).

Registration Fees:

  • Government: $675
  • Student: $675*
  • Member Organization: $775
  • Presenter: $825
  • Industry / Academia / FFRDC: $975
*Please contact MSS for further instructions on registering with student rate.

Note, if you are a presenter or member organization, the discount does not automatically apply. You will need to enter your discount code during registration and click "Redeem Code" to apply the discount. If you have questions about the discount, please contact us prior to completing your registration, as discounts cannot be retroactively applied to finalized registrations. Government personnel pay the government rate regardless of if they are also a presenter.

If you are a government attendee and your government travel card is being declined for payment, you will need to contact your financial department and/or institution, and provide them the AnaVation vendor MCC code of 8699 to confirm AnaVation as an approved vendor and be able to process payment. Please contact MSS if you have any questions.

If you selected to receive a classified notebook and/or a classified proceedings disk for the event, you are expected to adhere to all guidelines regarding receipt of classified material. This includes providing all requested classified mailing information, proper handling, and ensuring return of inner receipts once items are received post-event.

Cancellations must be made in writing at least two weeks prior to the event to be eligible for a full refund. Cancellations made less than two weeks prior to the event start date will receive a refund, minus a $100 processing fee. Refunds are only available to attendees who have fully paid. Once the event has started, refunds will not be processed and refund requests will not be accepted for attendees that registered but did not attend. Proceedings are only provided to attendees who have paid the full conference fee. Substitution of personnel is not allowed.
Contact: Hannah Dowgiallo
Conference Files

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