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2025 MSS Tri-Service Radar Symposium (TSRS)
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Important Dates: TBD
Dates: Monday, June 23, 2025 - Friday, June 27, 2025
Location: Tucson, AZ

Military Sensing Symposia (MSS) Tri-Service Radar Symposium Early Career Award

This award recognizes those younger scientists and engineers in the field who have demonstrated technical and leadership achievements, work that impacts National Defense, and contributions that provide a valued service to the MSS’ Tri-Service Radar Symposium (TSRS).  The purpose of the Early Career Award (ECA) is to grant recognition of outstanding service to the radar art, and related radio frequency systems, in the classified and limited distribution domains.  Goals in granting this award are to encourage individual and collaborative efforts, accelerate development of younger radar scientists and engineers, and foster increased participation in the TSRS by recognizing radar talent, all in support of our larger National Security interests.  

Nominees must be 40 years of age or less on 31 December 2024 to be eligible. The MSS TSRS committee welcomes submissions for the 2025 Early Career Award using the nomination form.  Completed packages (nomination form, candidate CV / resume, and letters of reference) are due no later than 31 December 2024, 11:59 PM EST to  Any questions regarding the submission process may be directed there as well. Additional information and updates to the process will be available on the 2025 TSRS conference page at the MSS website (

We look forward to your participation in the ECA process and your assistance recognizing our first Early Career Awardee at the 2025 Tri-Service Radar Symposium, which is scheduled for late June 2025. 


2025 Tri-Service Radar (TSR)

Instructions: TBD
Contact: Carson Weaver
Conference Files

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